Family Decision Making
If you’re the loved one, you may not like being told: “You need help”. You’re used to taking care of yourself, and you particularly may not like being told this by people you used to take care of. Moreover, you may not like the idea of an outside person coming in. But when all is considered, you deserve to have the help you need to ensure your continuing independence.
But if you are the family or caregiver of an elder, you may be very concerned about the continuing wellbeing of your loved one, and in fact, may be starting to get a little tired from the extra stress and demands. You realize that you can’t do it all yourself. Still, you too, may not like the idea of an outsider coming in to care for your loved one, but you know that extra help is needed. There are basic realities that need to be addressed such as living wills, advanced directives, Health Care Proxies, financing. ……and, managing the idea of additional help coming into the home. The only place to begin is at the beginning, and the sooner you start, the better.
A conversation is needed now, before a predicament occurs. This won’t be the only conversation you have. It’s an ongoing progression and transition. Sometimes It can be quite stressful, emotional, and conflict causing, but it can be solved. ELDER ACHIEVERS can help you with our knowledge and experience, or with a referral.
Some are finding that the new specialty of Elder Mediation may be helpful. Press here for more Information on Elder Mediation.